10 Cute Animal Valentines Box Decorating Kits

Valentines day is only a month away! During the month of January, Kudzu Monster is running an Early bird sale! use code EARLYBIRD at checkout to get 50% off all Printable Valentines and Valentines box kits. Below are some of our favorite Box kits, featuring a variety of animals.

In order to assemble these, You'll need A shoebox, a printer, white card stock, scissors, an Exacto or box cutter, glue or tape, and cardboard TP rolls if you want legs. Just wrap a shoebox in construction paper (or paint it), then cut a mail hole in the top. Then glue or tape the decorations and accessories from your kit!

Pegasus Valentine Box Kit  DIY printable Horse Box Decor Kit image 1

Pegasus Valentine Box  

A majestic pegasus Valentines box For a horse or magic lover. It's mane, tail, and feathers are all a pastel rainbow gradient. you can cover toilet paper rolls in paper and use them for the legs and hooves.

Llama Valentine Box Kit  DIY printable Box Decor Kit for image 1

Llama Valentine Box

Here we have a llama! (It could also pass as an Alpaca..) This printable kit comes with a colorful saddle and reins. use A TP roll for the neck! it also includes a fluffy little tail, of course! 

Rhino Valentine Box Kit printable rhinoceros mailbox for Kid image 1

Rhino Valentine Box

Why would you want a hippopotamus for Christmas when you could have a rhinoceros for Valentines? You could use green paper to wrap the shoe box body, and then decorate it with the leaf and grass printables provided with this kit to make a leaf outfit!

Sloth Printable Box Kit  DIY Valentine Box Decor Kit for image 1

Sloth Valentine Box

This sloth is ready to relax this February. use a paper towel roll for a Tree branch, attach some leaf prints to it and hang your sloth from it! Like the other printables, this sloth comes with a bow and a couple glasses for accessories.


Axolotl Valentine Box Kit  printable DIY mailbox for image 1

Axolotl Valentine Box

Did you know that when Axolotl find a mate, they dance? It's true! Get some pink construction paper and put it on a shoebox to make the body. accseserize with a variety of eyes, bows, and glasses!  

Brachiosaurus Valentine Box Kit  Longneck Dinosaur printable image 1

Brachiosaurus Valentine Box

We have all sorts of dinosaur kits to offer. I'd suggest using a couple of toilet paper rolls or a paper towel roll for the neck of this Brachiosaurus. This Dino comes in a light teal.

Ankylosaurus Valentine Box Kit  printable dinosaur mailbox image 1

Ankylosaurus Valentine Card

This red Ankylosaurus is hoping to receive lots of valentines this year! This printable comes with awesome back scales and a tail. customize it with accessories to make this Dino your own!

Triceratops Valentine Box Kit  printable dinosaur mailbox for image 1

Triceratops Valentine Box

three cheers for this Triceratops! This Valentines day Dino comes in orange, with stripes of light rainbow gradient on its crown and tail. Take a plain old shoebox and transform it into a cute cretaceous creature!


T Rex Fossil Valentine Box Printable Decor Kit 3D bowtie eye image 1

T Rex Fossil Valentine Box

A fossil kit for a little paleontologist, this kit comes with a T Rex skull and bones. This T Rex wears its heart out, not on its sleeve, but in its ribcage! this kit comes with some leaf prints to decorate the Dinos environment with. use some paper or paint to add your own additional features to the box. We also included an astroid, eek! 

Pug Valentine Box Printable Decor Kit 3D ears eye options 3D image 1

Pug Valentine Box Printable Decor Kit 3D ears eye options 3D image 1

Pug Valentine Boxes

Few things are better than a pug hug. Make your own pug pal with this box kit. Includes the ears, the tail, the paws, and everything else needed to transform a plain box into a dependable doggy, including fun accessories! 


Thanks so much for stopping by! the code EARLYBIRD applies exclusively to Valentines products only through the month of January. For 20% off of all Kudzu monster products, use code KUDZUBLOG.

Check out Kudzu Monster’s entire party printable collection here.

Tiffany Everett

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