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Mermaid and Merman Valentine

$ 4.00
This is an INSTANT DOWNLOAD of printable mermaid and merman valentines.

This is a JPEG file.
Each mermaid card is 3.4x6.2" after cutting out. They print 3 per letter-sized sheet.
Each merman card is 3.5x7.2" and those print 2 per page.
I recommend printing on white card stock.

Once you download the file, you can print as many as you want! Print valentines for the whole classroom.

The cards reads:
"I think we MERMAID to be friends"
"You're a TRIDENT true friend"
"Happy Valentine's Day! From:"

Dotted line guides are included on the print out to show where an adult should slice the card to insert a pencil or pixie stick. An exacto knife or box cutter is best for making the slices.

I'd love to see photos of your finished DIY project, so be sure to tag me @KudzuMonster on instagram.


  • All files are created as vectors and saved at print-resolution: 300 DPI
  • Each printable is set up as a letter-sized (8.5 x 11) print-ready JPEG file (Adobe Reader is recommended for using PDF files and is available for free online)
  • Your file(s) will be available immediately after payment clears


*** All printable items are for personal use only and are not to be resold or redistributed. *** 

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