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Flower Lollipop Valentine Card

$ 4.00

flower dum dum sucker holder DIY valentine cards

This is an INSTANT DOWNLOAD of a printable JPEG. These valentines are super easy to make, hold dumdum suckers, and print 3 per page.

Once you download the file, you can print as many as you want!. Print valentines for the whole classroom. 

I used an exacto knife to make the spice for the sucker. The file has guides for where to cut!


Printable items included with this purchase:

  • Flower printable valentine



  • All files are created as vectors and saved at print-resolution: 300 DPI
  • Each printable is set up as a letter-sized (8.5 x 11) print-ready PDF file (Adobe Reader is recommended for using PDF files and is available for free online)
  • Your file(s) will be available immediately after payment clears


*** All printable items are for personal use only and are not to be resold or redistributed. *** 

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